Upcoming Events in the Charlotte Area

Here’s some events the next few weeks if you’re in the Charlotte area and looking for something to do.


Quick Hack: One Bootstrap Popover at a Time

Bootstrap is my new favorite front-end framework, and I really like the JavaScript popovers for contextual information and help. One thing I don’t like about them is they aren’t aware of each other. If you only want 1 to be visible on your page at a time, here’s a quick hack. It does involve 1 global variable, which should make you feel dirty.


Automating Tile Generation with TileMill

MapBox hasn’t documented this anywhere that I can find, which either means (a) they haven’t gotten around to it or (b) this isn’t a stable API and it could change in a future TileMill release. If you automate your tile generation this way, make sure your job still works when you install a new version of TileMill. With all of that said, I’ve been asked this question often enough that I figured it deserved a post.


Dirt-Simple PostGIS HTTP API

One of the first projects I ever open sourced was a PHP web service framework I created for Mecklenburg back in 2010. It got a little coding love after its initial release (mostly from that mad genius Jason Sanford), but it really didn’t change much over time. It generally just worked, and I still get emails from people who use it today.

Q: What’s the worst code you’ve seen recently?
A: My own.


On Strategic Planning

95% of strategic planning is crap, with a margin of error of ~5%. I have had a hand in a number of strategic plans and I have come to revile almost every aspect of them.


Screencast #22 - HTML5 Talk from NC GIS 2013

Resources Slideshow


New Year's Resolutions 2013

Any meeting invitation I receive that doesn’t have an agenda attached goes straight to the recycle bin. If it has an agenda attached that doesn’t either interest or involve me in some way it merits a formal decline (and


I know this will irritate penguins, but...


Screencast #21 - State of the Office 2013


NC GIS 2013 Conference features Douglas Crockford

The 2013 NC GIS Conference on February 7-8 is coming up fast. This is one of the best conferences I go to, regularly drawing 900+ attendees with lots of great speakers from the region and around the country. This is going to be an especially big year for the conference. How big?