Drag and Drop File Upload and Processing via File API

Here’s one way you could go about the drag and drop file upload and parsing for coordinates ala ArcGIS Online. Note: You must view the demo page from a web server - file:// won’t work. Other helpful links:http://www.theb


Great Intro to Patents and Patent Trolls

Don't feed the trolls. If you want to learn more about our busted patent system, patent trolls, and the sucking judicial vacuum located in East Texas, check out When Patents Attack by This American Life. It’s ~60 m


Google Fusion Tables Talk From Google IO 2011

If you haven’t had time to mess around with Google Fusion Tables, you’re really missing out. Check out this video from Google IO 2011 for a good introduction. There’s a whole class of apps we do that could easily be ha


Flash 11 Beta 64bit on Ubuntu

Adobe has finally coughed up a 64bit Flash 11 beta for Linux. Woo hoo! If you’re on 64bit Ubuntu, download and extract libflashplayer.so, put this script in the same location and run it. 123456789101112131415#!/bin&


Make Smarter - Designers Designers Designers

I ran across a lot of design resources for this month’s make smarter, and I think that’s a good thing. GIS as a field has never hurt for good developers, and development is hard. Making an app people actually want to use


Metadata Navigator 2.1

Metadata Navigator 2.1. Now with less suck. Quite a while back I made a tiny metadata viewer that had but a single purpose - show metadata in such a way that I can take ArcIMS Metadata Explorer out back and shoot it. I


Appointment Slots - About Time

Oh, thank you. It’s about time somebody did this. I remember thinking ten years ago that calendars like Outlook got it all wrong. They’re meeting-centric. If you’re not in a meeting, you’re not doing anything as far as


Standing Desk - Part 2


Fix Busted Google Earth in Ubuntu 11.04

Apparently this bug doesn’t get everybody, but it smacked me right across the chops. [crayon lang=”default”] Google Earth has caught signal 11. We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed. This is a


Top 5 Make Smarter - CSS Localstorage, Node JS, Best of Paul Irish, Tech Ed 2011 SQL Server Videos, Earth in Blender

First up in this month’s make smarter is localStorage for Forms by Chris Coyier over at CSS Tricks. It’s a good introduction to persisting data with localStorage and shows how to use these features in a way that degrade