And…wait for it….done.
Cue Battlestar Galactica theme song. No, the first one.
Well, almost done. The tutorial video is still a place holder and will be until Friday. But everything else is done. Complete. Concluded. F
In the interest of science and whatnot, here are the shiniest tools in my toolbox at the moment.
Hardware: The Dark Tower (Core i5 Quad, 8GB RAM, ASRock P55 Pro, Intel SSD 40GB system, generic 250GB spinning platter
First up in this month’s Make Smarter, via the Google Earth Blog, is the Battle of Fort Sumter in Google Earth. The KMZ file includes 3D models of the fort and the battery of guns firing on it, historical map overlays, c
I thought I’d toss this out for two reasons: (1) it took my tiny brain a whole curse-filled afternoon to figure this out, and (2) on the off chance somebody with a larger brain swings by this Internet-backwater blog and
…to paraphrase that most eminent of philosophers, Chris Rock.
ExpensifyBlog recently put up a post titled Why we don’t hire .NET programmers. It got picked up by Reddit and was flamed, reflamed, flambéed, and respondablo
This month saw more news on the web browser front than you can shake a stick it. First and foremost, IE9 has been released. It marks the first time since IE6 that Microsoft has had a competitive browser since…well, ever
I’ve received a number of questions about where this project has gotten to, so I thought a quick update was in order.
First, the project is a go, and the public will be able to create and submit their own plans. Yay Demo
Firefox 4 was released today, and the folks at Mozilla have a really cool map/counter showing downloads live, including flashing blips showing where the download is coming from.
Right now it looks like they’re averaging
Government Technology has a great article on open source GIS at the Oregon Transportation Department.
“It’s amazing. We have developers from all over the world who are contributing to this application, and the developmen
I’ve been so busy these past two months, I’ve actually hit SHIFT-A to clear out Google Reader a number of times - gasp. But a few nuggets did catch my eye.
If you want to get started with HTML5, look no further than Dive