GeoPortal v2.0 is Out

I am exhausted happy to announce GeoPortal v2.0.0 is available for download. The biggest change was making the map library switchable from OpenLayers to the Google Maps API, something I had been thinking about and was fi


Quickest Way to the Generic Map Site Layout

The typical web mapping site is laid out something like this: Header, footer, large pane for a map, smaller pane for the verbiage. You’ve seen this a thousand times. If your client is a blabber mouth, you get a right-han


News Roundup - Free Esri Tiles (sorta), Satellites KML, Languages for Sailors

First up in this month’s news roundup are a couple of stories out of Redmond Redlands. Esri has released ArcGIS Online basemap data to everyone free of charge, including for commercial use. The base maps available are hi


NC GIS Conference Presentation

Here’s the talk I did last week at the 2011 North Carolina GIS Conference. It was the first non-technical talk I’ve given in quite some time (nary a line of code), and it was a lot of fun. If you click on the box-looking


Make Smarter - NC GIS Conference, jQuery Templates, Inception Scene with Blender

First up in this month’s Make Smarter is the 2011 NC GIS Conference, coming up later this week. Workshops are on Wednesday, and the conference proper starts on Thursday. It’s an outstanding conference - if you’re in the


IE9 RC1 is Out - And It's Pretty Good

Saying nice things about Microsoft chafes me a bit. The feeling it evokes isn’t as bad as, say, Linda Blair getting spritzed with holy water, but I’d rate it worse than barking my shin on the coffee table. That being sai


Yet Another Reason to Dislike Certifications

It’s no secret I’m not a fan of ~95% of the certification industries that sprout up, GIS ones included. One of the lesser reasons, but perhaps the most irritating to me personally, is this: certification industries often


News Roundup - HTML to be Rolling Release, GDAL 1.8, More Kinect Fun

It’s been a slow month for GIS news, so I’m going to bullet point this one: Just when people were starting to get used to the idea of HTML5, the W3C announced they're dropping the 5. That's right - the HTML spec is


The Only Way to Kill a Project

I do hate steam launches: I suppose every rowing man does. I never see a steam launch but I feel I should like to lure it to a lonely part of the river, and there, in the silence and the solitude, strangle it. Three Men


The NC GIS Conference is Coming Up - Register Today!

The North Carolina GIS Conference is in Raleigh from February 16-18. We have an outstanding program lined up this year. It’s among the best GIS conferences you’ll find anywhere in the country, and with a registration fee