Virtual Earth Gets a .NET Control

Well, almost. It’s a technology preview release. But according to Mark Brown’s Virtual Earth Blog, it’s here, and it’s pretty good. You can now drop a Virtual Earth .NET control right into your .NET project without havin


OSCON 2008

This year I finally made it out to the O’Reilly Open Source Convention in Portland. Just for the Wednesday to Friday session portion, mind you; I couldn’t bring myself to leave this guy for a whole week: All of the conf


OpenLayers with a Virtual Earth Widget

I recently came across a need to display a little Virtual Earth map in one of my sites. Specifically, a group of users needed to see some oblique photography. With OpenLayers you can dump the standard VE or Google Maps t


ArcGIS Server Javascript API is Out

ESRI has officially released its JavaScript APIs. You can read about them and see code samples here.Essentially the Javascript API’s are client-side Javascript libraries that connect to ArcGIS Server REST web services. O


ESRI Does SDE Admins a Solid

In the oh-finally-thank-you department, ESRI has released a patch that allows 9.2 clients (ArcGIS Desktop, ArcIMS, etc.) to direct connect to a 9.3 SDE server. Yes, the mythical upwards compatibility. You can’t see me ri


Have You Tried ArcExplorer Lately?

ArcGIS Explorer is not what it used to be. And that’s a good thing. The 480 build has been released (I first heard it on SlashGeo). This is a major update with a lot of new features, tweaks, and bug fixes, but the bigges


Epic Microsoft Flame - By Bill Gates

I’ve been known to harsh on Microsoft from time to time, but I haven’t written anything to compare to this email fired off by Bill Gates himself. Apparently Bill wanted to install MS Movie Maker, cataloged his experience


Test Your Site in IE with IETester

Oh, Internet Explorer. I dream one day you will be given corporeal existence, so that I may kill you. In the mean time, however, sites still have to be designed to meet web standards and then hacked for IE. Refusal to do


Using Python to Manage Windows Services

I recently ran into a little problem with a Windows service. Apache Tomcat, about once every two weeks or so, simply croaks on one of our servers. When I say croaks, I mean croaks: a hit to :8080 gives a fast no-server-l


Portable GIS 1.2 Released

In the GIS-in-my-pocket department, Portable GIS 1.2 has been released. Much like other Portable Apps, Portable GIS is a self-contained stack of open source GIS software for Windows, including GRASS, QGIS, FWTools, Postg