Inkscape 0.46 Released

I have talked about GIMP a lot, but I haven’t mentioned Inkscape as much. I’ve been using it a lot more lately, and since they just made a new release, I thought I’d bang on their drum a bit.From the web site:[Inkscape i


OpenLayers 2.6 Released

In the ohboy-ohboy-ohboy department, OpenLayers 2.6 has been released.OpenLayers is a great open source (BSD) JavaScript mapping library used by a lot of projects, including Geospatial Portal. It’s like the Swiss Army Kn


Updates to Google Maps and Virtual Earth

Slashgeo linked to a good post on a number of updates to Virtual Earth. Among the updates:Export your nav points to your GPS device via KML, GPX, or GeoRSS.They have a improved 3D city models for a few select cities (Den


Google Joins the Cloud

“Cloud computing” is the new buzz term in programming circles these days. It describes a kind of grid computing. From Wikipedia (paraphrased): In general, the label suggests that function comes from "the cloud" -- often


GeoWebCache - A Great New WMS Tile Cacher

The good folks at the Open Planning Project have released a Java-based tile caching engine, GeoWebCache. From the web site: GeoWebCache is a cache for WMS tiles implemented as an HttpServlet? in Java. It is run through a


Linux Unscathed in PWN to OWN

Last year, CanSecWest, the “world’s most advanced conference focusing on applied digital security”, held a contest called PWN to OWN.* Basically they set up a couple of Apple Macbook Pro laptops and attendees could conne


Legal Issues Primer for FOSS

Those among you who read EULA’s when installing software, raise you hands (yes, I can see you when you do this). Now those of you only make it through ‘EU’ before clicking Next to get on with things, hands up. This post


ArcIMS Goes Out With a Whimper

We sent a couple of people to the ESRI Developer’s Summit this year. I thought I’d peruse the conference schedule to see what I was missing.* I didn’t see anything I was missing that would cause me to cry in my beer, but


Spreadsheet Mapper 2.0

I’ve made some posts about getting data into Google Maps/Earth, but I don’t think I’ve hit on this one yet.Spreadsheet Mapper 2.0 is an easy to use Google Docs based KML placemark generation tool. Which is a long way of


Create a Form to Populate a Google Docs Spreadsheet

I ran across this new feature of Google Docs on DownloadSquad. I’m a big fan of Google Docs. The collaborative features are top-notch, and unless I’m doing some fancy document footwork, its features are more than adequat