NC GICC Recomendation for Geospatial Data Sharing

I recently finished a Carolina URISA/GITA conference. I use the term “finished” rather than “returned from” because the conference was held about a mile from my office and about two blocks from my bus stop. Not that I th


Google Earth Adds Sky And Hidden Bonus

Those crazy Google Kids. Not content with our little blue planet, Google Earth 4.2 added a “sky” feature. It allows you to shift your gaze from Earth to the heavens, including about a hundred million stars and two hundr


A Note On Standards + Some Harshing

Standardization, in the context related to technologies and industries, is the process of establishing a technical specification, called a standard, among competing entities in a market, where this will bring benefits wi


Google Tech Talks

I recently stumbled across this in Miro’s (formerly Democracy Player) channel guide. Google hosts a series of Tech Talks on their campus, and, being Google, they get in some great presentations and presenters going over


Using the USNG - ArcMap

First let’s describe what “Using the USNG” means. What do our applications need to be able to do to support USNG? Here’s a pretty good list: Locate and zoom to a USNG location (user input). Display USNG locati


ArcGIS SP3 is Out

In the oh-crap-another-one category, SP3 for ArcGIS is out. That includes ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Server, ArcIMS, ArcSDE, pretty much ArcEVERYTHING. There is the standard “upgrade everything or die” disclaimer in the ser


Yahoo Releases YSlow for Firebug

Yahoo! Developer Network recently released YSlow, and extension for Firebug, the great web development extension for Firefox we talked about last month (here). FTA: YSlow analyzes web pages and tells you why they're slow


In The Database or In The App?

I recently came across an interesting post on High Scalability. It talks about the architecture of one of my favorite tech (and other) news sites, Digg. Digg is a monster. It has ~1.2 million users and does ~200 millio


Raster in the Database

There’s an interesting question posted on the All Points Blog: If I want to use image pyramids to speed data distribution at different scales, should I consider storage in a spatial database? Is that how most pyramids ar


The US National GRID (USNG)

Lately I’ve been hearing more and more about the US National Grid (USNG), particularly where it relates to emergency response. We’re working on a project with a 13-county emergency response group and we’ll need to inco