ArcIMS vs. MapServer - Some Hard Data

Here is some information I found on a list serve comparing simple map generation performance for ArcIMS and MapServer. Although I can’t rerun their test to validate the results, I can anecdotally support them - I have c


Installing PHP and Mapserver on Windows/IIS

Most of you have figured out by now the PC is an open source proponent. I’m not a blind zealot, however, and here’s a valid criticism of the genre - installing open source software can be a real drag.For one thing, many


Helping the Traveling Salesman with RouteMapIMS

The traveling salesman problem is an old one in mathematics. The problem itself is simple: given a collection of stops and the cost of travel between each pair of them, the traveling salesman problem, or TSP for short,


The Ubiquitous ESRI Patch Update

Well, that didn’t take terribly long. ESRI has released service pack 1 for ArcGIS 9.1 (Desktop, Engine, Server, SDE, and ArcIMS). To answer your next question, no, it did not fix the bug you were interested in. It fi


Connecting to PostgreSQL/PostGIS from .NET

Another developer on the team had a need to project coordinates in decimal degrees to state plane on the fly (i.e. all we had was a pair of coordinates). As ArcIMS was totally dissatisfied with the idea, I suggested usi


Java Goes Open Source

This one has been a while in the making. In the if-you-can’t-beat-‘em category, Sun Microsystems has been slowly embracing open source for quite a while now. They have long supported OpenOffice, the open source office s


Office in Your Pocket

Even if you aren’t a card-carrying geek, you may have a USB drive in your pocket. The little drives are becoming ubiquitous for anyone in the technology arena. Never has toting large amounts of data around been so conv


Firefox 1.5 has been released!

There are lots of new features, including faster navigation, improved pop-up blocking, drag-and-drop tab reordering, improved support for CSS, SVG, and other web standards, and general bug fixes and improvements.The best


Address Information Center Now Displays Traffic Incidents

Address Information Center now pulls a RSS feed from Yahoo! to show traffic problems on the map. As RSS is basically an XML feed, it’s fairly easy to parse, and MapServer can project digital degrees on the fly. It now


Be a Client of an OGC WMS Web Service

As I mentioned in last month’s issue, the Open Geospatial Consortium’s standards - Web Map Service and Web Feature Service - represent a new paradigm for geospatial data sharing. We’ll take a look at using a WMS service