.NET 2.0 is Out – Get Your Free Editor

Yes, that’s right Microsoft fans, the .NET 2.0 framework has been released. If you are the type that wakes up in the middle of the night, runs to your Windows machine and checks for critical updates before some teenager


Introduction to OGC WMS and WFS

OK, that’s a lot of acronyms. OGC is the Open Geospatial Consortium. They’re a group that creates voluntary standards for geospatial and location based services. WMS stands for Web Map Service and specifies a standard


Free (as in Beer)

Well, not quite beer. But I thought that might get your attention.Three things to remember about the PC: (1) the PC is cheap, (2) the PC prefers open source software over proprietary software, and (3) the PC is cheap.


NASA World Wind

Some of you have probably tried Google Earth, but have you seen World Wind from NASA? It has a lot of cool features and imagery as well. You can download it here. Be forewarned, however – it’s a 180MB download. NASA


Ajax (no, the other one)

No, the PC isn’t talking the household cleaning product. Fair warning: the geek verbage below is quite heavy.Ajax is short for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. It isn’t a technology in itself, but a reference to a gro


Internet Mapping Sans Map Server - Scalable Vector Graphics

In last week’s discussion about the wonders of PostgreSQL and PostGIS, I mentioned I’d talk about serving maps without a map server (in the publishing world we call that a “teaser”). Alas, the PC is up to his eyeballs i


Buffering a User Defined Point in ArcIMS

Telling ArcIMS to buffer a user-defined point, such as a mouse click or an address from the master address table, is a bit trickier than one might initially suspect, as Amy Weeks found out. She figured it out, though, a


Learn More about Open Source GIS

Want to learn more about open source GIS? Try FreeGIS at http://www.freegis.org/ or the Open Geospatial Consortium at http://opensourcegis.org/. Remember the PC’s motto: Proprietary software is for weenies.


Putting the Spatial in the Spatial Database

SDE is not a spatial database.Surprised? So was the PC when he began administering SDE. SDE is an interface between (proprietary) client software and a normal, non-spatial database. It allows spatial data to be stored


Turbo-Charge Firefox

What’s the greatest feature of Firefox? Tabbed-browsing? Pop-up blocking? Safe and secure browsing? Skins? Nay, says the PC. It’s all of the stuff you can add to it!Firefox is open source, and anybody can make an e