Make Smarter - Free Books, QT Creator, PDF Webinar

If you’re sitting in your dreary cubicle rather than in temperate San Diego at the ESRI UC*, never fear. I ran across a few items that will help you unshackle your brain from your daily drudgery. First, the only things


Make Smarter - PGCon, Google Earth Trek, and More

PGCon - the PostgreSQL Conference - wrapped up in May, and they’ve posted many of their session online for free, including slide shows and videos. The links are in the notes for each session/tutorial. The videos are host


Southeast Linux Fest 2009

I was fortunate to be able to attend the first ever Southeast Linux Fest (SELF) in Clemson, SC this last Saturday. I arrived bleary-eyed and smiling after a 2.5 hour drive early that morning, not entirely sure what to ex


Make Smarter - CSS, Firebug, Agile, and Database Manga

This month’s Make Smarter homes in on some CSS and Firebug goodies for the web deveopers out there, as well as a couple of resources on Agile project management. In the CSS department, I recently stumbled across the CSS


PyCon Videos Online

Editor’s Note: If you’re training budget looks like my training budget these days, upgrading your skills is something that has to be done on the cheap. Education doesn’t have to be expensive, however. I’m going to try to


Book Review: Learning jQuery 1.3

I get asked for book recommendations on various subjects with some frequency (more so recently as everybody’s training budget is circling the drain). For jQuery, the best book I had found and the one I always recommended


Notes from the North Carolina GIS Conference

There has never been a time when I’ve attended a North Carolina GIS Conference and not felt extremely fortunate to be in such an innovative and forward-thinking community, and this year was no exception. We found out a f


OSCON 2008

This year I finally made it out to the O’Reilly Open Source Convention in Portland. Just for the Wednesday to Friday session portion, mind you; I couldn’t bring myself to leave this guy for a whole week: All of the conf


Why You Should Have a Wiki

I’ve mentioned Google Tech Talks before, and I recently watched “The Visual Wiki: a new metaphor for knowledge access and management“. The Tech Talk was about combining the text-based knowledge management aspects of a w


Legal Issues Primer for FOSS

Those among you who read EULA’s when installing software, raise you hands (yes, I can see you when you do this). Now those of you only make it through ‘EU’ before clicking Next to get on with things, hands up. This post