Make a Web 2.0 Logo with GIMP

Like the “Fuzzy Tolerance” image at the top of the page with the reflection bit? How about something like this:*Or event this:It’s a snap to make with GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program. Just follow this great tuto


PostGIS REST Web Services

Editor’s Note: I moved this project to the Projects page at the top. Last month I talked about Geospatial Portal, a site I recently rolled out, that is entirely, 100%, based on REST web services - OGC WMS services for t


ESRI Offers ArcGIS Server Developers Serious Cabbage

I first spotted this on the James Fee GIS Blog.ESRI is offering ArcGIS Server developers some serious cabbage in the 2008 ArcGIS Server Code Challenge. It works like this: write some cool ArcGIS Server code, post it to A


Building a .com in 24 Hours

Be ye forewarned: the articles I’m linking to here contain a small amount of profanity. I figure one or two of you might be put off by that, and the rest of you will be put off because it isn’t a large amount of profanit


Spatial Meta Tags

If you’re not a web geek, you might want to skip this one. I’m going to delve into some meta tags for a moment, and the audience interested in that sort of thing is probably very, very tiny. There are a ton of HTML meta


Geospatial Portal Beta

I recently deployed a new web mapping site as a beta (ala Google): Geospatial Portal Beta. I bring it up here because it uses a bunch of bits I haven't used before, and I'd like to post my happy thoughts about the whole


Mapping Extensions for Firefox has a great post on mapping extensions for Firefox. Here are a few highlights: Mini Map Sidebar: The Minimap Addon gives you a suite of in-built maps and mapping tools for your web browser. Create and sav


Using the Google Chart API

Making good charts on the web is tricky. You can’t really make anything but a bar chart in HTML, and getting that bit of coding right isn’t trivial. The most reliable method for charting is creating static images, but co


Grab Some Icons for Web Maps

I was recently stalking some decent icons to use with one of my web mapping projects, and I ran across a resource I thought I’d share. Mapki is a wiki that “is meant to be a forum for sharing ideas, implementations, and


A Quick and Dirty Reverse Proxy with PHP

I’m polishing off a new mapping site that uses Geoserver/Tilecache as a WMS back end. Tilecache is a Python WMS/TMS server that caches images to speed up your WMS client. It’s the bees knees. Unless, like your intrepid s