Make a Wiki and Squash Bugs with Free, Open Source Software

As part of my role as head of our Strategic Technology division (that sounds more important than it is - I’m the only member of our Strategic Technology division), I identify the business needs of our group of 35ish GIS


SQL Select on a Versioned SDE Layer

SDE has a fairly complicated table structure. A versioned layer will have five tables (business, spatial, index, add, and delete tables), along with references in all kinds of other tables in the SDE database. A select


Enabling Transparent PNG’s in IE 6

Internet Explorer 7 is here at last! After abandoning their browser project for five long years, Microsoft has stepped up to the plate and delivered lucky #7. And, and….Well, it still basically sucks.While their CSS st


Geocoding with the Google Maps API Geocoder

When Google first released the highly popular Google Maps API, no geocoder was available. That was a major bummer, as giving customers the ability to find themselves on the map via address is probably the #1 most commo


Web Services: XML-RPC, SOAP, and REST

A now a note on web services.Web services and their prime role in a service oriented architecture are all the rage in IT at the moment, including GIS. I’ve talked about SOA and web services before, but I never hit on th


Connecting to a REST Web Service from .NET

This came up for a project I was doing recently. A lot of .NET developers know how to connect to a SOAP web service, as that is the type of web service Microsoft favors. REST web services, however, are arguably the mor


Running PHP/MapScript as FastCGI Under Windows and IIS

As mentioned before, a recent run in with a busload of traffic made me decide to switch from running PHP as CGI to FastCGI, and I’m a better person for it.Here are some instructions on setting up PHP/MapServer to run as


Eweek’s 10 Programming Languages You Should Learn

I’ve had this argument a few times before. Maybe you have too. It tends to go like this:“We’ve standardized on the Wuton language for all application development.”“But….it’s so much better to use this other thing for t


CGI vs. SAPI vs. FastCGI

One interesting thing that differentiates a web project from a desktop project is you never know how many people you’re going to end up serving. With a desktop application, I can know how many client installs I have and


Centerline Geocoding with PostGIS

One of my co-workers thought this one up. In our jurisdiction we have a point address database that has all of the known, “official” addresses in our county that we use for all of our geocoding needs. Sometimes, though