Creating a GIS Service Oriented Architecture Part III.1

III.1? Yes, III.1. I’m still toying with this one.In the last SOA discussion, we talked about using OGC standards to create mapping services. I’ve toyed with a couple of software packages, but I’m not sold on any one


AJAX Web Mapping Template

OK, template may be a bit of a strong word. Let’s call it “example” instead.I’ve decided I’m not a bit fan of templates. I decided this after I downloaded another mapping site template to steal some code.All I wanted


Address Normalization in PostgreSQL

I’ve found there’s some confusion as to the difference between geocoding and address normalization (or address parsing), due to the fact that ESRI’s geocoding engines tend to do both at the same time.On my web sites, I c


Cross Browser Testing and Browser Usage Stats

In my group, I’m one of the few sticklers for testing our web applications in browsers other than Internet Explorer. I can understand that - it’s there and it’s buried so deep in Windows that a Microsoft patch to change


The All-Important DOCTYPE

[Begin Rant]I don’t know how often I’ve had this conversation, but it always goes something like this:PC: “Hi Developer. I notice there’s no doctype in your web pages. I wanted to come by and make sure there isn’t som


An AJAX Web Mapping Application

This post was originally going to be about creating a AJAX-based mapping template, but alas, some customer work intruded. It was high time to rewrite another application I had written, so the two ideas merged in to a wo


CSS or Tables for Page Layout?

If you search for “CSS vs. Tables” on Google, you will likely find a number of flame wars going on. I thought I’d post briefly on that whole scene.There are two camps. One insists that tables were never meant for page


Creating a GIS Service Oriented Architecture Part II

In our last SOA episode, we talked about using web services, PostgreSQL and PostGIS to create a free, robust, SOA for the enterprise. Complex GIS questions can be answered and the results distributed to anything that un


Rounded Corners in Web Pages

Occasionally somebody asks me if there is an easy way to make the rounded corners you see around page elements in a lot of web pages.Here’s the short answer: no. There isn’t anything in HTML or CSS that lets you displa


Creating a GIS Service Oriented Architecture

Last month we talked about what a service oriented architecture is. This month I’m going to talk about making a service oriented architecture for GIS. While I’m using ASP.NET for the actual services for convenience (yo