Be a Client of an OGC WMS Web Service

As I mentioned in last month’s issue, the Open Geospatial Consortium’s standards - Web Map Service and Web Feature Service - represent a new paradigm for geospatial data sharing. We’ll take a look at using a WMS service


Introduction to OGC WMS and WFS

OK, that’s a lot of acronyms. OGC is the Open Geospatial Consortium. They’re a group that creates voluntary standards for geospatial and location based services. WMS stands for Web Map Service and specifies a standard


Ajax (no, the other one)

No, the PC isn’t talking the household cleaning product. Fair warning: the geek verbage below is quite heavy.Ajax is short for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. It isn’t a technology in itself, but a reference to a gro


Internet Mapping Sans Map Server - Scalable Vector Graphics

In last week’s discussion about the wonders of PostgreSQL and PostGIS, I mentioned I’d talk about serving maps without a map server (in the publishing world we call that a “teaser”). Alas, the PC is up to his eyeballs i


Buffering a User Defined Point in ArcIMS

Telling ArcIMS to buffer a user-defined point, such as a mouse click or an address from the master address table, is a bit trickier than one might initially suspect, as Amy Weeks found out. She figured it out, though, a


Putting the Spatial in the Spatial Database

SDE is not a spatial database.Surprised? So was the PC when he began administering SDE. SDE is an interface between (proprietary) client software and a normal, non-spatial database. It allows spatial data to be stored


Turbo-Charge Firefox

What’s the greatest feature of Firefox? Tabbed-browsing? Pop-up blocking? Safe and secure browsing? Skins? Nay, says the PC. It’s all of the stuff you can add to it!Firefox is open source, and anybody can make an e


ArcIMS Table Joins On-The-Fly

Did you know that you can join tables on the fly with ArcIMS? The PC didn’t know that either. That’s right, I said it: The PC didn’t know. But the Chamber Project has a requirement to be able to show parcels that are


Tools for Visual Studio

Think there might be something missing in the bottomless pit known as Visual Studio? So does Microsoft. Check out their list of “Ten Must-Have Tools” here. One neat tool allows you to change the version of .NET differe


Web Developer Extension for Firefox

The PC loves his Firefox. If you’re a Firefox user, check out the Web Developer extension at can validate code, see form arguments, change forms from GET to POST, outline elements like tab