CSS Your Tables

This month’s CSS lesson will cover tables. Tables are ubiquitous to web design, and handling them can be a chore. With a little CSS, getting all of your tables looking right is a piece of cake.Let’s take a look at some


XML Everywhere

Can’t get enough XML in your life? I know the feeling. All those carrots and backslashes. Yum. And don’t get me started on the case sensitivity.Fortunately, with SQL Server 2000, you can even get your SQL queries ret


Create PDF’s from any Windows Application

Sometimes making a PDF is the best way to distribute something. You know everybody can open it, it always looks the same, you don’t have to worry about scripting viruses and other yukies, and it has a fairly high cool/g


CSS a Default Font

CSS is the best, easiest way to format you web pages, but there’s a lot of confusion about it on the team. I thought I’d put in some CSS hints in the next few PC News issues to help spur you along in your CSS endeavors.


Screen Scraping for Modern Times

While screen scraping is normally associated with mainframes and other technologies that send a cold shiver up the PC’s spine, sometimes it has its uses. In this case, a customer wanted driving distance information (and


Make Your ArcIMS Page Load Faster

To avoid a long initial load of your web site, try going old school with your map. Most of our apps start with a full county view. Why make your user wait for a round trip to ArcIMS to view it? Make it a static image


C# to VB Converter

Have you noticed that most .NET samples on the web are in C#? You can convert these samples into VB with a number of different online utilities. The PC’s favorite one is here, although the PC primarily likes it because


Controlling Legend Content in ArcIMS with ArcXML

ArcIMS legends can get big and ugly in a hurry. To save space, you may decide your user can figure out the big blue blob labeled “Charlotte” is a city without eating up your web page in legend. Fortunately, with ArcXM


Enterprise SDE Web Site

You may not know it, but we have a site just for information on our Enterprise (forgive the buzz word) Spatial Database Engine. On it users can request logins, view brief metadata on what we have on our server, and get


Launch Javascript Events from .NET Datagrid Buttons

I sent out an email explaining how to add pushbuttons to a datagrid and capture the record ID of the button pushed. You can also launch client-side events based on a button push in a datagrid with the OnItemDataBind met