Building a VE Mashup With MSR MapCruncher

The MSR MapCruncher for Virtual Earth is a MS Windows desktop application that let's quickly build map tiles to use in a Virtual Earth mashup. By map tiles, we mean image slices of your map at various scales that overly


GDAL to The Rescue

Recently I had an interesting project come up. A customer wanted to show data from his rain gauges, both current event values and past event values. No problem. Hit the database, drop points and values on a mashup, Bob’s


Web Services for Finding Stuff

Geolocation of “stuff” can be a pain. Once you get past geocoding addresses, you basically need a database of some kind, referencing a common key (business name, parcel ID, etc.) that can relate the search term to terra


A Quick Early Voting Mashup

Our county’s Board of Elections recently approached me with an idea for a map showing early voting sites. Early voting sites are different from regular polling locations in that they are unassigned - as a registered vote


Keys to DIY Graphic Design

Dumb Little Man has a great post titled 7 Keys to DIY Graphic Design on No Budget. Some highlights:Be minimalistic. In particular, don’t over-write. I find I do that a lot. For someone with the social skills of a turnip,


PostgreSQL 8.3 Upgrade Notes

We recently upgraded our production PostgreSQL 8.2.x database to 8.3. One of the nice things about PostgreSQL is you can toss it on your laptop, restore your 8.2 database, and beat it senseless to figure out if anything


ArcIMS Goes Out With a Whimper

We sent a couple of people to the ESRI Developer’s Summit this year. I thought I’d peruse the conference schedule to see what I was missing.* I didn’t see anything I was missing that would cause me to cry in my beer, but


Spreadsheet Mapper 2.0

I’ve made some posts about getting data into Google Maps/Earth, but I don’t think I’ve hit on this one yet.Spreadsheet Mapper 2.0 is an easy to use Google Docs based KML placemark generation tool. Which is a long way of


Create a Form to Populate a Google Docs Spreadsheet

I ran across this new feature of Google Docs on DownloadSquad. I’m a big fan of Google Docs. The collaborative features are top-notch, and unless I’m doing some fancy document footwork, its features are more than adequat


Geospatial Portal Code Release

Editor’s Note: I’ve made a few updates since this was first posted. The zip file is now current as of 3.17.2008, and I’ve also changed the text here a bit. The update includes a custom OpenLayers.js build to reduce the f