West Virginia Sues to Keep Tax Maps Off The Web

In the they-just-don’t-get-it category, a West Virginia county tax assessor has filed a lawsuit to keep their tax maps off the web. I ran across this in Slashdot and did a double-take. I then read the linked article on A


Microsoft Embraces Open Interoperability

Well, sort of. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting this story in the news somewhere (here, here, here, here, here, and here), so I thought I’d bring it up. On February 21st, 2008, Microsoft announced it has seen t


Encrypt Your Data with TrueCrypt

This is a bit off-topic, but it’s hard to go a month these days without hearing of a laptop walking away with sensitive information, like social security and credit card numbers. The privacy of your digital data is also


OpenStreetMap and OpenAerialMap News

From Linux.com: OpenStreetMap (OSM) has completed the bulk import of comprehensive street and highway data for the United States, months ahead of the project's original estimates. The massive data set originated with the


Sun Buys MySQL

In the gosh-I-didn’t-see-that-coming department, Sun Microsystems has entered an agreement to acquire the world’s most popular open source database, MySQL. The total price for the acquisition is ~$1,000,000,000.00 US,


Internet Explorer News Roundup

From the-little-browser-that-couldn’t department, there have been a few bits of Internet Explorer information in the news lately that I thought might interest the web developers among you. First, on February 12th, Micros


Map-Making for the Masses

Slashdot pointed me to a good summary article on user-generated content and map creation. FTA: Websites such as Wikimapia and OpenStreetMap are empowering citizens to create a global patchwork of geographic information


Linux Reduces E-waste

It seems like the tech industry is in a mad rush to go green. Every time I turn around I’m reading about reducing power consumption in data centers and recycling old equipment. I would put this trend in the broad categor


Google Lets Users Edit Maps

From Slashdot: Google now lets registered users in the US, Australia, and New Zealand move incorrect address locations on Google Maps. Some addresses, such as hospitals and government buildings, can’t be moved, and if yo


Visual Studio 2008 Released

For all the VS fans in the house: Microsoft has released Visual Studio 2008, and with it .NET 3.5. Although Microsoft has has a rash of late software releases the last few years, to their credit this one rolled out the d