ArcGIS SP3 is Out

In the oh-crap-another-one category, SP3 for ArcGIS is out. That includes ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Server, ArcIMS, ArcSDE, pretty much ArcEVERYTHING. There is the standard “upgrade everything or die” disclaimer in the ser


Yahoo Releases YSlow for Firebug

Yahoo! Developer Network recently released YSlow, and extension for Firebug, the great web development extension for Firefox we talked about last month (here). FTA: YSlow analyzes web pages and tells you why they're slow


MSNBC Article on Outreach Mashups

I ran across this article on MSNBC and thought I’d pass it along.In a nutshell, people are using mapping mashups to “illustrate and advocate” issues that are important to them. Google has created a Google Earth Outreach


Google Docs & Spreadsheets Adds Readability Metrics

A bit off-subject, but I thought this was too cool to pass up.Have you tried Google Docs & Spreadsheets? I’ve been toying with it from time to time, and there’s a whole lot to like. It has good word processing and


Eclipse 3.3 Released

Let me go on record as frowning upon the modern take on the Integrated Development Environment. My idea of a great IDE is having a text editor, file browser, and Firefox all open at the same time. The modern IDE has go


Developers Shifting Target from Windows

This story was on Digg so many times I figured I had to mention it, although I think there’s a certain “duh” factor about the whole thing. Analysts at Evans Data Corporation found 64% of developers in North America are w


Browser Round-Up

Lately I’ve been seeing little bits of news on browsers that I think could be helpful, but I haven’t found anything so interesting as to fill out a whole blog post. So, here’s a bunch of miscellaneous stuff on browsers.


Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to Support Spatial Data

In the better-late-than-never category, Microsoft has announced SQL Server 2008 will support spatial data. Microsoft has been hedging their way in to the GIS marketplace for a while, beginning slowly with Terraserver, Ma


Google Gears - The Next Big Thing

I don’t do a good Nostradamus impression, but I think the release of Google Gears last week will end up being a very big deal. In case you missed the hubbub, Google Gears is “a open source browser extension that lets dev


ArcGIS Service Pack 2 is Out

In the jeesh-another-one-already category, Service Pack 2 for ArcGIS has been released. This includes service packs for all of the usual suspects - ArcGIS Desktop (ArcView, ArcEditor, etc.), ArcIMS, ArcGIS Server (inclu