A Sensible Open Source Policy

I just ran across an AP article on a new software procurement and data format policy that I thought made a lot of sense. In essence, by April 2008 the government of the Netherlands would set a preference for open source


Encouraging FOSS Adoption

How does one best nudge one’s organization toward open source solutions? This article recently renewed my interest in this subject. From the article: The Department of the Navy has adopted a new policy which requires th


Microsoft to IIS 5.x Users - Die

If you use Microsoft server software, somewhere along the way you’ve decided to live with a certain level of security problems for….well, for any number of bad reasons. Security alerts on Microsoft software are so commo


On An Unrelated Note

Liam Alexander BradleyBorn February 8th, 20077 lbs 1 ozMother's good looksFather's general temperment


A Quote to Start the New Year

Often one of the biggest challenges in GIS is getting people to understand what exactly GIS is and what it can do for them. To highlight that theme (and because I can’t help myself) here’s a quote about GIS to begin the


Thanks, and Happy Holidays!

As the PC Newsletter ends its second year of publication and begins to creep up on 100 (!) articles, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for all their ideas, encouragement, and support. I’ve been quite astonishe


The Uber-Flexible Schedule

This is a bit off topic for this blog, but this article fascinates me.At the Best Buy corporate headquarters, there are no schedules and no mandatory meetings. Come and go at whatever times are best for you. Feel free


Visual Basic - On The Outs

It’s hard not to like Visual Basic. For most developers it’s like a good old hat - comfortable, undemanding, it does what you want it to do and is filled with memories of many of our very first “Hello World!”‘s (or, if


Gartner: 8 of Every 10 Dollars Spent on IT "dead money"

I have an I love you/I hate you relationship with think tanks for two reasons:You can find a think tank that thinks just about anything.When making forecasts (the primary reason for think-tanking), their accuracy is gene


And Now a Note on the Windows Vista EULA

I don’t know if you’ve checked out a Vista release candidate yet, but it looks like it may actually arrive in November (January for non-business users). It’s several years late, minus a bunch of features (WinFS, Monad,